- Eldredge Sewing Machine Identification
- National Sewing Machine Serial Numbers
- Eldredge Sewing Machine Serial Numbers Search
- Eldredge Sewing Machine Serial Numbers For Sale
- I have been given a Seamstress A electric sewing machine and the motor has National sewing machine co - Model A. It is very dirty and I'm trying to clean it up. I cannot find any information regarding this particular machine. It has a spring on the motor rather than a belt. There is a number of 3348203 under the bobbin cover/plate.
- A sewing machine by any maker with a serial number of 500 or less would be considered early, desirable and pretty rare. Low serial numbers by more obscure makers would be even better. At the left is an example of a sewing machine called the Ne Plus with serial # 21. It dates from the mid 1850's.
The Willcox & Gibbs chain stitch machines are one of the most collected sewing machines of all time. Some say the sewing machine represents the finest piece of '19th Century' precision engineering in the world. This is hard to argue with, seeing that so many are still working on a daily basis 150 years later.
Let me tell you what I have learnt over the last four decades about this amazing machine and the men who built it. Oiling points, parts names, needles, models, and Willcox & Gibbs serial numbers are all included.
The book is now available on Amazon all around the world as in instant download ON ANY portable device with the free Kindle reading App. Also as a paperback. GO TO YOUR LOCAL AMAZON TO ORDER.
Two-Spool sewing machines were invented by R.K. Hohmann around 1908 and made by National Sewing Machine Co. Beginning around 1913. You will find differences between machines over the years due to changes in design. The badge decals vary and you may see Eldredge, National, Western Electric or Graybar badges. Eldredge Sewing Machine Serial Numbers Surprising Singer Sewing Machine Antique Treadle Manual Foot Details About Vintage Black Singer Sewing Machine In Case Serial. Eldredge Sewing Machine Serial Numbers G Series Dec 05, 2012 From what we have been able to learn so far - from the serial number, 132784, the machine was made 2/26/1906 in Cleveland Ohio. Stent tool and cutter grinder plans.
E-book cover
Paperback cover
Hi Alex,
I read your article on the W&G company with interest. My great, great grandfather was William Wonnacott, President of the Wilcox and Gibbs Sewing machine company. William was English and based in London. I know very little of his life story but I am aware from the gold pens that he was awarded that he worked for the company for an amazing 82 years! It’s not quite a world record unfortunately.
Many thanks,
Hi Alex , my name is Joanne
Eldredge Sewing Machine Identification
I have been browsing your fabulous guide on the Wilcox and Gibbs chainstitch sewing machine. I bought mine for 100 pounds. It sews fabulous and going from your diagrams I was able to thread it and sew first time. I did the dating off your guide and my machine is dated 1883. It has been invaluable and think it's fabulous I really do.
Joanne Oldham England
Mr. Askaroff,
I just read your superbly researched article on the Willcox & Gibbs sewing machines.
I have just started my second history blog, Rockbridge Memory, in which I will publish articles about people and events in that region that interest me.
All the best,
Patrick Sullivan
Most of us know the name Singer but few are aware of his amazing life story, his rags to riches journey from a little runaway to one of the richest men of his age. The story of Isaac Merritt Singer will blow your mind, his wives and lovers his castles and palaces all built on the back of one of the greatest inventions of the 19th century. For the first time the most complete story of a forgotten giant is brought to you by Alex Askaroff.
I was very impressed with the information you have assembled on the Willcox & Gibbs. Thank you.
National Sewing Machine Serial Numbers
I recall the use of chain stitch sewing machines used at State Farm Insurance (here in Monroe, La) to sew new pages to existing client folder pages. When needed, the page was removed by clipping the “unravel” end of the chain stitch and zipping it out. When pages were added to the folder, they were simply stitched back. The real advantage was no staples and staple clutter.
I recall seeing this being done in the 1963-63 era.
Warmest regards,
David Furr
Hi Alex,
I’ve really enjoyed reading your book about Willcox & Gibbs. I share your obvious passion for the industry. I’ve been in the business since I was an early teen when my father worked for Sunbrand (a Division of Willcox & Gibbs) in the sewing machine business. So the W&G symbol will always shine a bright light in my warehouse and offices where me and 4 of my 5 brothers and sisters are still pounding out machines, parts & supplies for the U.S. apparel industry every day.
I have recently heard that a German fellow bought the Willcox & Gibbs name. Gird Lesmeister, (spelling maybe out) owns Pfaff USA.
Best Regards,
Randy Collier
Collier Equipment Co.
I have a W&G machine I live near Raphine in Rockbridge Co and had no idea Mr. Gibbs was from here. We are steeped in the Civil War in these parts. On September 11 there is going to be a re-enactment and the troops will be marching from this area to Lexington. Our little Brownsburg Museum has a terrific exhibit on the war in Rockbridge.
Thank you so much for your great research on Gibbs.
Jeanne Alexander
Hi Alex,
Henry Sharpe, the retired director of Brown & Sharpe, has hired me to write a book about his family’s former company. In researching the early days of the company I came across your work. What a story Gibbs is!
Thanks for putting that together. Take care,
Gerald “Ged” Carbone
See Alex Askaroff on Youtube
Eldredge Sewing Machine Serial Numbers Search
Eldredge Sewing Machine Serial Numbers For Sale
Eldredge Sewing Machines 1880s
Sears 'clone' machine of Singer New Family (?) (1897 Sears Catalog)Eldredge vibrating shuttle sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethel)
Vibrating Shuttle Sewing Machines 1880s-1890s
Head of Acme vibrating shuttle machine (1897 Sears Catalog)Acme sewing machine in treadle cabinet (1897 Sears Catalog)
Iowa vibrating shuttle machine in treadle cabinet (1897 Sears Catalog)
Head of Minnesota vibrating shuttle machine (1897 Sears Catalog)
New Queen sewing machine in treadle cabinet (1897 Sears Catalog)
Prifzlarf sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethell)
Goodrich sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethel)
Vibrating Shuttle Sewing Machines 1900s-1920s
Improved New Goodrich sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethel)National Weyemouth Mercury sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethel)
Bracket motor turned under the arm when not in use
Brunswick sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethell)
Brunswick sewing machine head (Photo courtesy of G. Bethell)
Shorter Portable Brunswick with cast iron base (Photo courtesy of G. Bethell)
Windsor B sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethell)
Vibrating Shuttle Sewing Machines 1920s-1930s
National Damascus sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethel)Late model Windsor B sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethell)
Rotary Sewing Machine
Position of the automatic tensionPosition of the stitch regulator, bobbin winder, and loose pully
National Damascus Grand sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethel)
National sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethell)
Volo Electric sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethell)
Vaucelle Rotary sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethell)
Chain Stitch Sewing Machine
Western Electric chainstich sewing machine (Photo courtesy of G. Bethell)Two Spool Sewing Machine
Mechanism of the Eldredge two-spool machineSide View of the Eldredge two-spool machine